Sunday, August 28, 2011

How to Take Care of Dark Circles!

Hello again ladies! Tonight, I wanna talk about dark circles. Yes, the ones under your eyes. Many people have dark circles (including me) and they aren't easy to get rid of. So, I'm here to tell ya how you get dark circles and possible ways to get rid of them! I have such a hard time with my dark circles. I try to get enough sleep and water in my diet, but they are so persistent! Ugh..
So, first and foremost is identifying the problem! There are many ways you can get dark circles and they can be categorized into two groups: "common" and "severe". No, dark circles won't kill you, but if the reasons are categorized under "severe" you dark circles are not easily treatable! So, let's start!
Three common reasons for dark circles:
1. Constantly rubbing your eyes. I have this problem during the spring and summer when the pollen levels are high. My eyes will itch and itch or they will water like Niagara Falls. They do have over-the-counter eye drops for this problem though! I had to buy some because the spring was terrible!
2. The amount of sleep you get. Ladies, try to get at least 8 hours of sleep! Your body can repair the broken capillaries much easier when it's had proper rest!
3. Your diet. If you have a lot of sodium in your diet and not enough water, your dark circles are gonna be persistent like crazy. Be sure to drink 8 glasses of water a day and eat healthy! Be sure to decrease your sodium intake!
Three severe reasons for dark circles:
1. Aging. The older we get, the more visible our blood vessels under our eyes get because the skin thins as we age. Be sure to use proper anti-aging measures!!!
2. It's a genetic trait. One of your family members may carry a trait for dark circles. Unfortunately ladies, you can't treat this one. But, the sooner you learn if you have the trait, the sooner you can get anti-aging eye treatment to help soothe the possible bags under your eyes!
3. You've got a certain bone structure and/or fair skin. If your bone structure in your face includes deep set eyes, then gravity and fluid retention are more than likely going to pull blood to the bottom of your eyes creating dark circles. Also, fair skin will make it much more obvious.
As you can see ladies, it's the little things that can cause dark circles to appear! So, how do we treat it? Well there are certain products dedicated to treating dark circles, but there are also home remedies that I personally like because it's cheaper and it's a little more fun for me to make the remedy than to go out and buy some plastic tube. Just sayin'.
There are many different home remedies that will help treat your dark circles! I personally love Bubzbeauty and how she attacks her dark circles. No remedy necessary. Just cleansing clothes and and ice pop?

And now, here are some remedies and links that will help you with your dark circles!
So one remedy I heard is make green tea with two tea bags, and while the bags are still hot/warm, let them rest on the eyes for 15-20 minutes! So simple.. has wonderful little tips and remedies you can try! I personally want to try the crushed almond and milk paste!
This video has a pretty simple recipe and is detailed that it's easy to follow! I may try this in the future~!
I keep seeing remedies featuring almond oil, it's crazy. Apparently, almonds are a brilliant skin food. They exfoliate and tighten the skin around your eyes. So try rubbing almond oil underneath your eyes every night for a week or two and see if there is a difference! Also, rose water is a plus too since it rejuvenates the skin!
Well this is a pretty big post, but that is all I have for now ladies. I hope this helps in one way or another for your dark circles! I'd love to hear your stories on any of the remedies~!! I hope you all have a blessed week and pray for the victims of Hurricane Irene! Take care!
Thanks for reading~! <3
With love,
Taylor Rae

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