Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Happy New Years! My 2012 Resolutions

Happy New Year Everyone!
I know this is a couple days late, but I haven't really been home or on the computer since 2012 started, so my apologies! :) So I guess I should start off with the best moments of my 2011...

1. Growing in Christ as a daughter, a friend, and a girlfriend.

2. Celebrating our one year anniversary with Anthony.

3. Graduating high school and finishing my first semester of college.

4. Starting my job on April 24th.

5. The entire year.

Everything about it has been memorable. There were rough patches here and there, but after counting my blessings...I know this year has been life changing.
Anyways, now we're in 2012. I have been thinking and thinking and praying and praying about what I should do in 2012 as resolutions. Everyone seems to know 100% about what they want to do. Me? Well, I've been having difficulty. But, I feel like there are things that I need to do this year, so those will be my main resolutions...

Resolution #1: Save My Money for Future Aspirations
I think I have a little difficulty saving money. I think I've been taking my earnings for granted instead of saving up for a future apartment, wedding, and other expenses to come when I'm on my own. My boyfriend has constantly been reminding me that we have to save our money for our trip to Israel and our future together. I believe he's right and today, I transferred $100 to my savings account to get me started. I'll keep $500 in my checking account so I can pay for my car loan and gas expenses, but everything else goes to savings.

Resolution #2: Learning to Cook...Better
I find this ironic almost. In high school, I took culinary arts, passed my certification tests with an A, and passed the final which included creating a salad with a lime vinaigrette and a french omelette with a fanned strawberry. I don't know what happened afterwards, but I guess I've become lazy and stopped enjoying cooking. I want to learn how to cook meals and enjoy it like my parents do. I don't want to eat out all the time, I want to cook for Anthony and my family. Wish me luck!

Resolution #3: Update My Wardrobe & Add Fashion To The Blog

If there is one thing I enjoy is watching fashion shows online and looking at trends all over the world. I think I mostly enjoy vintage fashion because...I just love how conservative yet adorable and high fashion almost. Plus they can be so versatile! And I love my sheer blouse and stripes! I want to incorporate my love for fashion onto my blog sometime this year, but I feel if I want to do that, I need to update my wardrobe somehow. So, just keep a lookout for fashion additions to the website.

Resolution #4: Continue To Grow In Christ And His Word
I want to really further my faith in Christ this year. He's got so many blessings waiting for me and Anthony. This year, I want to start reading the Bible more than I do now and reading more Christian books to help me on this journey. I want to use the Bible to strengthen mine and Anthony's relationship with Christ and with each other. Hopefully, me and Anthony can maybe create our own Bible study together and increase in Holy knowledge.

I hope you all had an amazing New Year's! May this year bring happiness, laughter, smiles, love, and blessings all around! My heart is so happy to see this blog grow in readers. I hope that it will continue to grow and I'm hoping to FINALLY get my youtube up and running within the next month, so I'm sorry for the constant delay. Have a great rest of the week everyone!
Thanks for reading~! <3
With love,
Taylor Rae

P.S. - Feel free to follow me on Twitter! @TaylorRae319

1 comment:

  1. I love the idea of updating your wardrobe! :) That's always fun. I also think that adding fashion to the blog would be amazing! Keep up the good work! <3
